Campaigns Que la seguridad suene en todos lados of Donari -

  Creado por Donari


Let security sound everywhere

Let security sound everywhere

Your donation allows us to sustain our two ECCO schools, as well as build more in other vulnerable communities.

collected $0

Destiny, goal $6000000.0

Remaining days 242

donors 0

Your donation allows us to sustain our two ECCO schools, as well as build more in other vulnerable communities.


destiny, goal $6000000.0

Remaining days 242

Creado por Donari

Our Community Crafts Training School project is an initiative in alliance with IMDEC A.C., Kóokay A.C. and CEO, which has two locations: one in Colonia del Fresno and the other in Santa Cecilia, Oblatos.

Through ECCO, our objective is that participants develop through artistic, technological and socio-environmental processes, attitudes, aptitudes and skills that lead them to perform community practices towards the reconstruction of the social fabric.

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