We are a collective of artists focused on creating, developing, and promoting culture in our social environment.
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We are Escenia Ensamble. Since 2008 we have focused on recovering the connection with the viewer, rescuing the best of our cultural heritage, as a seed for the gestation of new expressions, enabling an integral growth of our society. Now in 2018, we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, also celebrating the inauguration of our first headquarters outside the CdMx, in El Agora del Ex Convento del Carmen in the city of Guadalajara, Jal., Where specialized workshops are given for performing artists and production staff of shows. For the third consecutive year, our group is a FONCA scholarship recipient through the program of support for professional artistic groups Mexico en Escena. It is important to note that Escenia Ensamble A.C. It is INTERNATIONAL AUTHORIZED DONATION. Each year more people join ... We invite you to be part of our community, transforming society through the arts and creating together with us!
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