Be a part on preventing child sexual abuse and human trafficking.
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We are a local NGO the only one in our state that works on the awareness of human trafficking. We have work for 5 years in a constant manner and with the conviction that with our work we are reaching the vulnerable population, we have managed to inform more than 30,000 people about this problem.
Why do we do it? According to the 2014 Global Slavery Index, there are about 35.8 million slaves in the world today, and Mexico has the 3rd. Place in Latin America in Trafficking in Persons (CATWLAC, 2015). Is the 1st diffuser and producer of child pornography on an international level. Due to its geographical location it is a country of origin, transit and destination (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.)
As an NGO we decided to work on prevention, giving workshops, conferences and training.
Felicidades por tan gran labor!
Felicidades por su gran labor