Campaigns Después del COVID-19 of Fundación de Apoyo para la Educación Especial -

  Creado por Fundación de Apoyo para la Educación Especial


After COVID-19.

After COVID-19.

Help us ensure the attention of 12 FAEE beneficiaries with 90% post-quarantine scholarships.

collected $12,250

Destiny, goal $90000.0

Remaining days 0

donors 32

Help us ensure the attention of 12 FAEE beneficiaries with 90% post-quarantine scholarships.


destiny, goal $90000.0

Remaining days 0

Since March 20, FAEE suspended activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic for all our beneficiaries, due to their condition, they are people at risk for this disease.
Throughout almost two months of confinement, we have been in contact with beneficiaries and parents online, we have realized the economic impact that this pandemic is leaving for the families of the beneficiaries who attend FAEE. That is why we launched this campaign of 12 scholarships of 90% with a duration of three months, so that once the quarantine is over, the beneficiaries can have the service that FAEE provides, this allows the families to achieve their economic stability after the confinement.
If the goal is not reached, the amount collected will be applied to the number of scholarships reached. Likewise, if the goal is exceeded, more scholarships may be offered.


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(9) Comments

María Inés Camarena

Me siento priviligiada de poder contribuir a esta Campaña Después del COVID-19, de FONDIFY. Desde que conocí FAEE, AC, me enamoré del compromiso y nobleza de la labor que, día a día, llevan a cabo con niños y jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Saludos :)

Diana Carrillo

Segura de que mi aportación será bien utilizada con ustedes por las y los chicos!!


Suerte 🍀

Salvador Delgado Sánchez

Felicidades por su labor Éxito

Erika guzman

Yo ya doné y tú

Miryam Hurtado

Juntos alcanzaremos la meta.

José Altamirano

Lo van a lograr!!!


Es un excelente lugar donde las personas con discapacidad desarrollan sus capacidades y son funcionales en sus contextos.


Es muy fácil donar y ayuda mucho !!