Creado por ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara
Join the campaign to support indigenous students granted scholarships by ITESO with their expenses away from home.
collected $23,950Join the campaign to support indigenous students granted scholarships by ITESO with their expenses away from home.
$23950.0Join the campaign to support indigenous students granted scholarships by ITESO.
At ITESO, six out of ten students receive some form of financial assistance. Among the beneficiaries are a group of students from indigenous and Afro-descendant communities at risk of interrupting their studies due to lack of resources. They are already doing their part, studying and working wherever opportunities arise. Collaborate to provide them with the conditions to make the most of the scholarship granted by the university, whose vision is to shape active citizens and agents of change in their communities.
The goal is to raise 100,000 pesos to support them for one semester with the expenses incurred during their university stay, away from their families and communities.
ITESO has launched two initiatives to help the cause: the concert of the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra on campus and this campaign on Fondify.
Every effort counts; no support is too small.
Has not yet donated any company, be the first to support this cause.
Vamos todos juntos se puede lograr
animo y adelante, aqui estamos para apoyarlos Dios les bendiga
Entre todos podemos reducir las brechas de las oportunidades, la educación un derecho , reconozcámoslo y hagámoslo realidad para todos y en consecuencia para el desarrollo sostenidos del país.
Que la solidaridad siga abriendo puertas para todas y todos :)
Apoyemos la raíz, el origen y que la educación rompa barreras.
gRACIAS X INVITARME A ayudar ex-Iteso de corazón
Un gran concierto para una gran causa