Campaigns Fortaleza Chihuahua of Nariz Roja -

  Creado por Nariz Roja




We need 70,000 friends willing to donate $100 mexican pesos or more to build a shelter for kids with cancer in Chihuahua

collected $2,050

Destiny, goal $7000000.0

Remaining days 219

donors 2

We need 70,000 friends willing to donate $100 mexican pesos or more to build a shelter for kids with cancer in Chihuahua


destiny, goal $7000000.0

Remaining days 219

Creado por Nariz Roja

¿Why a shelter?

In Chihuahua México, a lot of the patients have to travel for more than 10 hours in order to get to the hospital and get treated, in some of those cases, they need to stay close to the hospital because weather they have an ambulatory treatment, the need to wait for a bed in the hospital to be available, or maybe because the patient is immunedepressed and is in need for a place to stay until his deffense sistem get well enough or because the patient has a medical limitation to travel; that's why we think is imminent to build a shelter that brings that specialized attention to those kids.

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