Creado por Nariz Roja
Celebrate with us our 10th anniversary and support us to finish building the house of the INVENCIBLES.
collected $350Celebrate with us our 10th anniversary and support us to finish building the house of the INVENCIBLES.
$350.0Foundación Nose Red that supports children, youth and women with cancer, is celebrating its tenth anniversary, and we are currently building a new shelter called "The House of the Invincibles" so that 60 patients sleep with us every night and provide more than 250 meals Daily Free.
We are currently in progress of 93% and we need to cover some expenses:
Doors and veneers $ 201,000,
External smithy $ 62,176,
Electrical accessories $ 45,654,
Plumbing and installation $ 122,650,
Masonry and materials expenses $ 914,480.
That is why we ask your generous support to continue this beautiful project and continue to provide all services for free, for 10 years, to children, youth and women with low-income cancer
Has not yet donated any company, be the first to support this cause.
Dios bendiga a seres tan bellos que nos enseñan que lo difícil de la vida se vive todos los días 💕 que todo salga bien para cada uno de sus sueños un abrazo gigante invensibles