Campaigns Prevención de ataques cardíacos con inteligencia of NeuritasLab -

  Creado por NeuritasLab


You could suffer a heart attack or prevent it with intelligence, you decide it with Heartbits

You could suffer a heart attack or prevent it with intelligence, you decide it with Heartbits

We help raise awareness in health care. Heartbits can save your life and prevent deaths from heart attack

collected $100

Destiny, goal $150000.0

Remaining days 0

donors 1

We help raise awareness in health care. Heartbits can save your life and prevent deaths from heart attack


destiny, goal $150000.0

Remaining days 0

Creado por NeuritasLab

The funds raised by this campaign will be used to release the virtual assistant. Our virtual assistant will provide timely attention to people to save lives, this service will be also accessible for persons that require to take care more of them heart health .

We require support to make the service more efficient and to evolve and detect new mechanisms that must continue to maintain new services and care functions to democratize prevention with the use of technology, in a safe and ethical manner.

This service will be available for people to carry out a control and follow-up of the register of their illnesses to be able to reach their normal health levels, in case of detect abnormalities, it will show indicators with the objective of be a difference in receiving medical attention with anticipation and on time and increasing the possibilities to continue living.

We intelligently implement mechanisms that guarantee people's quality of life through the culture of prevention and technology to obtain vital technical assistance.

Thank you!

Solidary company

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(1) Comentario

Carlos Mendoza

me entusiasma el tema de la salud y la IA!