Creado por Una Oportunidad de Vida
Funds to buy food, medicine and protection kit for immunosuppressed people and those with Kidney Disease
collected $70550Funds to buy food, medicine and protection kit for immunosuppressed people and those with Kidney Disease
$70550.0Mexico is declared a sanitary emergency by COVID-19. This public health problem is overwhelming us and the supplies in hospitals are already insufficient. This virus has already claimed several lives in our country. So far 7% of those affected have been immunosuppressed patients. While almost 18% had Renal Disease. It is just this very vulnerable population for which we work and care in Una Oportunidad de Vida a.c.
We seek that these people do not have to go outside to look for a livelihood and that they are exposed to a complication due to contagion. Thus, seeking to support them in a more complex situation now, we are collecting funds, with which we will buy: pantries, medicines and we will support medical treatments, we will also provide them with protection kits (mouthguards, gloves and gel), since these are indicated by the doctors as part of the protection measures, since they must continue in medical surveillance and attending their hemodialysis sessions at the different clinics or hospital instances.
It is time to take care of each other and to watch over the most vulnerable is to watch over all of society.
Let's all go together against COVID-19.
Has not yet donated any company, be the first to support this cause.
Muchas gracias por hacer esta labor para poder ayudar a nuestra gente. Arriba México, arriba Jalisco.
Una vez más, Gracias Una Oportunidad de Vida por ser un medio y ayudarnos a ayudar. SI PODREMOS!!!
Juntos podremos avanzar
Ayudando todos podemos ayudar mas rápido
Vamos a salir fortalecidos de esta
Todos podemos aportar en la medida de nuestras posibilidades para mejorar este mundo y ayudar a los más necesitados.
Hola estaré compartiendo su link para conseguir más ayuda !! Ya done !!!!