Campaigns Construyamos Fortaleza Chihuahua of Fundación Index Chihuahua -

  Creado por Fundación Index Chihuahua




The great family of the export industry joins the construction of the Chihuahua Fortress of Nariz Roja C.A.

collected $9700

Destiny, goal $100000.0

Remaining days 12

donors 29

The great family of the export industry joins the construction of the Chihuahua Fortress of Nariz Roja C.A.


destiny, goal $100000.0

Remaining days 12

Girls and boys with cancer in the state of Chihuahua face a problem: the great distance between the Chihuahua Specialty Hospital, located in the state capital, and their places of origin. To receive their treatments, there are families who must travel up to 10 hours. Because of this, many choose to stay in the city while they wait for a hospital bed.

Being in an uncontrolled environment compromises the defenses of the children, making having an adequate space close to the hospital a priority in the decisions that the family must make.

For this reason, Nariz Roja C.A. began with the construction of the Chihuahua Fortress shelter, a building that will offer Chihuahuan families a place equipped to meet their needs such as rooms with beds, air conditioning adapted to the girl or boy, recreation spaces, entertainment, among others. This shelter will function as a temporary space while a bed is found inside the Chihuahua Specialty Hospital.

In this campaign, the Index Chihuahua Foundation invites the great family of the export industry to make donations to reach the goal of $100,000 pesos to support the construction of this important building that will provide service to thousands of Chihuahuans for years.

Be part of the Heartbeat of the Export Industry and make your donation!

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(11) Comentario

Paola Barragán

Un gusto contribuir con la causa :)