Creado por Nariz Roja
Saul "El Canelo" will remove his beard for children with cancer, donate and together we will achieve one million pesos
collected $1,249,999Saul "El Canelo" will remove his beard for children with cancer, donate and together we will achieve one million pesos
$1249999.8Hi all ! Today I share that it is a pleasure for me to join the great NARIZ ROJA campaign to build the new shelter for children and women who fight cancer every day in my city Guadalajara. Friend Alexa accepted your challenge and today I join the group Invincibles putting a price on my beard of $ 500,000 pesos and if we reach the goal before December 31 I will double the same amount to achieve 1 million pesos for these great Champions . I invite everyone to join this noble cause! Together We are Invincible, together We are Team Canelo. Donate through the following link and do not let cancer win the fight.
Has not yet donated any company, be the first to support this cause.
De granito en granito se llena el jarrito
Para mi siempre serán unos campeones!!
Más campañas como esta.
Si nos unimos como grandes personas 😏que no somos no solo lograremos llegar a la meta🤓 incluso ayudar de corazon❤️ Es lo qie cuenta 🤜🏻💥🤛🏻 #MEXICOUNIDO #YTUYADONASTE
Apoyemos a estos pequeños invencibles
Lo lograremos !!!
Dios bendiga a cada uno de esos angelitos en lucha, asi como a los guerreros que estan a su lado velando momento a momento por el bienestar de ellos.
Grande Canelo !!!
Vamos con todo, si se puede!