Volunteers available to citizens for the attention to basic medical emergencies and fires.
collected $0
collected $0
We are a group of volunteers that includes firefighters, rescuers, doctors, paramedics, brigades and citizens in general who are joining this project that is born of a great need in matters of Civil Protection and emergency care.
Unfortunately in the State of Tamaulipas there is little investment in emergency services. In many municipalities there is not even a fire department and most do not have a municipal ambulance service.
Although the task is great, we want to take a small step and begin to give a decent service and at the height that citizens deserve.
Currently our volunteers provide their service in their own vehicles and use hand tools to quell grassland fires or organize neighbors to attack with buckets of water when a house fire occurs. In the case of accidents and medical emergencies, volunteers come to provide first aid until an ambulance is obtained or the patient moves in a vehicle.
100% of the donations will be destined to the acquisition of a Firefighting vehicle and with its support also an ambulance. Which would serve in the south of Altamira. Highly vulnerable sector
Has not yet donated any company, be the first to support this cause.
Confiamos en esta causa. se puede lograr mucho mas trabajando de la mano, juntos todos...
Dios me los bendiga y ojalá cumplan la meta
Yo soy de altamira y conozco el gran problema que existe. siempre hay incendios de pastizales y hemos visto lagartijas, iguana, tortugas, aves y otros animalitos quemados o que perdieron su hábitat por los incendios. y el calor cada ves es mayor en el planeta gracias bomberos voluntarios