Creado por Fundación Sierra Tarahumara
Address the food emergency in the Tarahumara mountain range caused by an extreme drought. We will help 800 families.
collected $425100Address the food emergency in the Tarahumara mountain range caused by an extreme drought. We will help 800 families.
$425100.0We look to address the food emergency in the Tarahumara mountain range caused by the complete lack of the harvest of beans, corn and potatoes that resulted from an extreme drought that negatively affected the state of Chihuahua. It has also been made worse and more difficult to overcome because of the lack of available work, due to the pandemic. The situation in the Tarahumara has become critical.
Specifically, we seek to deliver food to 800 families who live near Sisoguichi, a village in the high Tarahumara, municipality of Bocoyna. With your help, we will deliver 20kg of beans and 20kg of corn per family for which we need to raise $350,000 pesos. All food distribution will be done in exchange for community work.
The UN has noted the Tarahumara as one of the most marginal areas in the world.
*This project is part of a more ambitious program known as "For a Tarahumara without hunger".
"Mapu ne bowichí inálo, napisó pé napisó bí jú, ba'wí pé ba'wí bí jú a'lí kó eeká pé eeká bí jú. Nóli bé mapua'lí we'érali ne awí a'lí kayaní napisó. 'Échi napisó ko kéti anáyawali sa'páala ju; 'échi ba'wí mápu 'mawá komíchi kéti wichimóba lalá ju; a'lí eeká kó kéti retémali iwikáala jú".
(When I go to my village the dust is just dust, the water is just water, and the wind is just wind. But when I dance on the earth and the dust rises the dust turns into the flesh of my ancestors; and the crystal clear water that runs becomes the blood of the world; and the wind is the spirit of my race.)
Eká Kusúal, tarahumaran poet
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Con cariño para nuestros hermanos Raramuris
Desde Puebla, mi reconocimiento a esta gran labor, deseándoles a todos una feliz navidad y un próspero año 2021.
Deseando una feliz Navidad a la comunidad Tarahumara. Saludos desde Puebla!!
Que bella iniciativa
Mucho éxito!!!!!
¡Mucho éxito! Entre todos podemos crear una gran ayuda :D
Padrísimo apoyar a esta comunidad!!!!!!!
¡Muchas felicidades Paloma, que buena labor!
Excelente iniciativa...felicidades por dejarnos participar y poder dar nuestro granito de arena
Espero sea de utilidad a esta gente necesitada